Prayer Can Change Your Life


Prayer can change your life. It changed mine!

After years of rejecting God, I finally gave my life to Him, and it was on a trip to Jamaica if you can believe it. My inner dialogue went like this:

God, why do I feel disconnected from You? If You’re real, I want to meet You. I have to know!

And God opened my eyes. He showed me… all the garbage of my life that was keeping me from that deep relationship that He desired for me.

And I really cried—I wailed out, “God, I am so sorry! Will You please forgive me?” God’s compassionate response was straight out of Scripture.

“If you confess your sin, Andrew, I will take it away as far as the east is from the west. I will remember it no more."

God used a time of honest prayer and it changed me that day.

Pray today, and seek God. You will find Him.

“God used a time of honest prayer and it changed me that day.”

1 John 1:9

If we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.