The Good Shepherd
Jesus calls Himself The Good Shepherd in John chapter 10.
Listen to what He says about Himself as a shepherd.
He calls His sheep by name.
He leads them.
He goes before them.
They know His voice.
He knows them and they know Him.
And—the ultimate act of care…
He lays down His life for His sheep.
What beautiful imagery to help us understand the way Jesus deals with us. And this is for you!
Is He calling you by name? My friend, listen to me. He has laid down His life for you. And maybe today's the day that you say, Yes, I want to be loved and cared for by the Good Shepherd.
He will never leave you. He will never hurt you. He loves you. Say, Yes, Lord. Here I am. Here is my life.
“What beautiful imagery to help us understand the way Jesus deals with us.”
John 10:11
“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd sacrifices his life for the sheep.”