When I Am in Need
The very first time the word is used to describe God as provider is in a dramatic moment in the Old Testament.
Abraham has been asked by God to sacrifice his precious son. In Genesis 22, as Abraham is about to take his son's life, he sees a sheep caught in the bushes, and he calls that place “The LORD Will Provide,” meaning God will see to it.
The significance of this is so beautiful—a moment in the Old Testament that points to the coming, ultimate provision, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world—Jesus.
The greatest need you and I will ever have is for a Savior—the one who will take the place for us—and that's exactly what Jesus did.
The Lord has provided, and if He can provide for your greatest need, He will provide for your every need.
“The Lord has provided, and if He can provide for your greatest need, He will provide for your every need.”
Genesis 22:14
“Abraham named the place Yahweh-Yireh (which means “the Lord will provide”)…”