Hope After Sinning
Is there any hope if someone imitates the prodigal son in Luke 15, if they wander away from our heavenly Father, and live it up in various sins season after season?
Most people say, “No.” Yet if that’s what you and I think, we’ll likely never pray with hope for our wayward prodigal family members and friends.
Most people also say, “Why should I care? It could never happen to me.” True, none of us wake up in the morning and say, “I think I’m going to deliberately rebel against God and screw up my life today.” No, we much more often choose to sin by degrees.
How prone we are to hear God’s Word and then shortly after ponder, “Well, I am forgiven after all, and I’m not quite strong enough to obey that anyway.”
The problem, as James 2:10 reminds us, is that to disobey God in one point is tantamount to rebelling against everything God has said.
The answer, James goes on to say, is to humble ourselves, confess and turn from our sins, and earnestly turn back to our heavenly Father with hope and great anticipation. Is that what you want to do today? I hope it is.
“The problem, as James 2:10 reminds us, is that to disobey God in one point is tantamount to rebelling against everything God has said.”
James 4:7
“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”