A Burning Building
If you were in a burning building and a firefighter said, “Hey! Follow me. I’ll show you the way to safety.” Would you doubt him? Of course not! Would you be offended that he said he knew the only way out? No way!
This illustration is kind of like Jesus Christ. Jesus truly is the only way to eternal life. But often, we – as Christians- are afraid to say it, because we fear offending people, or being called “closed-minded”.
Try thinking of the Good News gospel as a firefighter or rescue worker. The Good News message points us in the right direction. The world is filled with chaos, and many people claim they have a solution or way out.
But the truth is, there’s only one way to peace. One way to eternal salvation. One way out. And that is through having a relationship with Jesus Christ.
The Bible says in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.”
If you truly believe that Jesus is the only way, make it a priority to share His Good News today. Be a firefighter! Jude verse 23 says, “Snatch others from the fire and save them.”
“If you truly believe that Jesus is the only way, make it a priority to share His Good News today.”
Jude 1:23
“save others by snatching them out of the fire…”