Faith Revolution
Did you know that some of the major revolutions throughout history started with just a few people?
Often, a small handful of people would rise up and rally others for one cause. And it’s been the same way within the Christian Church.
Whenever I’ve seen a church renewal and revival, I can always trace it back to a small group of Christians who were broken over their sin, confessed it, were cleansed, and began a fresh walk with the indwelling Christ. Change and revival has to start somewhere—so why not let it start with you? Like, today!
Often, we get caught up in living the way we’ve always lived and we accept things as the way they’ve always been—but God calls us to be active in living a godly life and sharing His Good News!
God calls us to more than just church on Sundays! Psalm 51:10 says “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” And I pray this for you and me today!
As you go about your week, I challenge you to spend time in prayer with God, and seek to be renewed. Then, share God’s renewing and transformative power with people in your life.
“Change and revival has to start somewhere—so why not let it start with you? Like, today!”
Psalm 51:10
“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.”