

“Home” is a powerful word.  It can stir up strong emotions.

God created us to long for home, for belonging, for Himself. He is our good Father. Our home on earth is temporary; someday it will be a ruin. 

God gives us a permanent home: His love. The strongest storm cannot break it. It will never fail. God’s love is forever.

You have a Father in heaven who made you, He loves you, and He has made a way for you to come home to Him forever. He sent Jesus to earth to show us the way to God, and He even died to pay the penalty for everything wrong we have ever done.

Do you want to make your home in God? You can ask His forgiveness for your sins and commit to following Jesus for the rest of your life.

“You have a Father in heaven who made you, He loves you, and He has made a way for you to come home to Him forever.” 

Psalm 36:7

“How precious is your unfailing love, O God! All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of your wings.”