His Posture Toward You Is Compassion


Did you know that the emotion most frequently attributed to Jesus in the gospels is compassion? Over and over again, we are told that Jesus saw people and He had compassion.

Compassion is a powerful emotion. We don't feel it and put it away. When we are moved with compassion, we are moved to act.

Jesus always had compassion, and then He acted to relieve the suffering of the people He came across.

How do you think He feels about you right now?

Wherever you are, whatever your circumstances might be, He has compassion towards you, and He has acted.

He has done all that needs to be done to relieve your suffering.

He was so moved with compassion that Jesus died on a cross for you and for me. He took our suffering so that one day we truly will be free of all suffering.

“He took our suffering so that one day we truly will be free of all suffering.”

Psalm 86:15

 But you, O Lord,
    are a God of compassion and mercy,
slow to get angry
    and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness.