He Rescues Us
In Psalm 103, the writer says that God will redeem our lives from the pit.
Have you ever been in a pit? It's a dark, deep place. You're trapped and dirty. God promises to redeem us from this type of life. The image is to be rescued—to be pulled out, and freed, and to be cleaned up.
Jesus came to redeem us. The word redeem means to deliver—to purchase. And this is exactly what Jesus did on the cross. His life for yours—for mine. He went down to the pit so that we can be lifted out.
Have you asked Him to redeem your life? Are you in a pit right now? Simply ask Him, Lord, I am in the pit. Will you rescue me?
Always remember, there is hope with God.
“He went down to the pit so that we can be lifted out.”
Psalm 103:4a
“He redeems me from death.”