God's Solution for Sin
There was a time, long, long ago, when the earth was free from disease, grief, shame, and even death. But then, in the Garden of Eden, God’s first humans – Adam and Eve - disobeyed Him.
God had given them one command — which was not to eat from a certain fruit tree. When that command was broken, sin entered into the world. And ever since, humans have been flawed.
But thankfully, God sent His one and only Son, to fix our situation. When Jesus came and died on the cross, He did so, so that we could be forgiven and live in a relationship with God once again.
If you have yet to begin a relationship with Jesus by receiving Him into your heart, I urge you to do so today.
The Bible says in Acts 16:31, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved…”
“When Jesus came and died on the cross, He did so, so that we could be forgiven and live in a relationship with God once again.”
Acts 16:31
“Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved…”