Pay It Forward
The concept of “pay it forward” has become pretty familiar within the last couple of decades. A common, simple way this plays out is often seen in stores or restaurants.
I have been in a checkout line when someone paid for the coffee and doughnut of the person behind them.
It certainly makes a bright moment in someone’s day, and may be just the boost that person needed. But it is a small thing that does not really have any long-term impact on someone’s life.
What if – instead of just a random act of kindness – we take an opportunity each day to share Jesus Christ in some way?
I know of one man who is generous in giving to the homeless in his town. He makes sure they know he gives out of a grateful heart for what Jesus has done for him.
We can be kind and generous, certainly – and we should be - but let’s not stop there.
Take it that one step further and share the Good News of Jesus Christ with people you come across in your world.