God Hides Himself


Someone wrote, “we pray in the Lord’s Prayer that God give us our daily bread, which he does. He does so, not directly as when he gave manna to the Israelites, but through the work of farmers and bakers-and we might add truck drivers and retailers… Similarly, God heals the sick. While he can and sometimes does do so directly, in the normal course of things he works through doctors, nurses, and other medical experts. God protects us from evil, with the vocation of the police officer. God teaches through teachers, orders society through governments, proclaims the Gospel through pastors. God… hides himself in the ordinary social functions and stations of life, even the most humble.”

Wow! What an encouragement to all the Christians who thought God only valued the work of people in full-time ministry.

Your work matters to God. God will hide Himself in you as you love and serve those in your world. You will be amazed how He works through you to draw others to Himself. But you must speak the Good News.

St. Paul writes in Ephesians, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

Ask God to work through you today. He will do it and lives will be blessed.

“Your work matters to God. God will hide Himself in you as you love and serve those in your world.”



Ephesians 2:10

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”