Keeping Love Simple

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As part of her article “Using the Love Commandment to Talk COVID-19 with Kids,” Christian ethicist Kate Ott collected drawings and quotes from children engaging in the topic of loving your neighbors during the pandemic.
 The children drew ideas like cleaning for people, calling them, writing letters, and praying for others. The ideas were so touching – and they were so simple. They remind us that loving people isn’t a huge inconvenience. Even the smallest acts of kindness on our part can make a massive difference to encourage somebody in their world.

In John verse 13:35, Jesus reminds us, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples – if you love one another.” This is our greatest responsibility and privilege in this life – to live with generosity and gentleness, allowing the love of the Lord to permeate through our lives and radiate to others. Remember, it doesn’t have to be complicated and it’s so often incredibly simple.

Pull someone aside and encourage them genuinely. Spend ten minutes in dedicated prayer for your partner or friend. Call or FaceTime a long-distance friend or family member. Make a list of ways that you can show God’s love, and then do it.
Whatever you do today to love someone else, believe it will make a big difference. It will.  

 “ Even the smallest acts of kindness on our part can make a massive difference to encourage somebody in their world.”



John 13:35

“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”