God Became Human
Human babies are utterly helpless as newborns. Humans depend on their parents for years.
This is the way God created us, and it’s the situation that He entered into Himself. Jesus, the eternal Word, the Son of God, became a human baby, vulnerable and mortal.
As a child, Jesus relied on His earthly mother and father to feed, clothe, and shelter Him. All the while, He was the same God who was upholding the universe He created.
He could have avoided hunger and pain but instead, He experienced everything we feel, all our struggles, sorrows, and temptations.
Yet, through it all, He never sinned in any way. When He gave Himself up to be crucified, He became the perfect sacrifice for our sins.
What an amazing, loving Savior we have! I urge you to accept His gift of salvation today.
“When He gave Himself up to be crucified, He became the perfect sacrifice for our sins.”
John 1:14
“So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.”