What is the focus of your heart?
In Exodus 20, God describes Himself as jealous. He says, Don't worship other gods because I'm a jealous God.
Have we always been told that jealousy is wrong? Yes, selfish jealousy is wrong and destructive. But God's perfect jealousy comes from the most beautiful place of love.
Imagine that the God of the universe loves you so much that He feels jealousy when your affections turn elsewhere.
God doesn't tell us this because He's selfish. He's jealous because of what these things do to us—the way they destroy us.
When we love other gods before Him, we hurt ourselves and we hurt others. We lose our focus and we lose our purpose. This type of jealous love should draw us closer and closer to Him.
“When we love other gods before Him, we hurt ourselves and we hurt others.”
Exodus 20:5
“I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God.”