Do you know God?
Do you know God? I remember a season in my life when we were in crisis, and that night I picked up my Bible and looked up every verse that had the word “faithful” in it.
And there are a lot! I found this beautiful verse in Revelation 19, at the end of all time, when the victory is won, and the victor – Jesus – comes forward. It says: “I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True.”
I realized that God’s faithfulness is who He is. His faithfulness doesn’t change according to anything going on in my life or your life.
Are you needing to know this about God? He is faithful and He will never change.
Always remember, there is hope with God.
“I realized that God’s faithfulness is who He is. His faithfulness doesn’t change according to anything going on in my life or your life.”
Psalm 26:3
“For I am always aware of your unfailing love, and I have lived according to your truth.”