Don't Give Up

Don't Give Up
Luis Palau

Have you ever tried really hard at something, like a sport, only to end up losing the game? Sometimes in life, things just don’t go as we plan or hope.

We can try hard to be the best at our job, only to end up losing it during layoffs. Or we can try hard to change a habit about ourselves, but still find ourselves slipping up.

We’ve all been there. And during these times, it can be easy to find ourselves feeling discouraged and disheartened. Sometimes, we may even want to give up trying.

But when these times come,  and when we’re tempted to lose confidence in ourselves, it’s important that we remain confident in the one who never changes – the Lord Jesus!

The Bible says, in Psalm 57:7, “My heart is confident in you, O God; my heart is confident. No wonder I can sing your praises."

God does not change. His strength does not waver. Even when we are weak, or we don’t quite measure up to the standards of others—God does.

Friend, this week, wherever you are—I urge you to remain confident in the Lord. “Christ lives in me,” God’s word says.

If you’ve tried something and failed, lean on Him to keep you upright. If God has set a goal on your heart, trust Him to carry it out through you. Share about Jesus—our confidence—with someone in your life today.

“Even when we are weak, or we don’t quite measure up to the standards of others—God does.”



Psalm 57:7

“My heart is confident in you, O God; my heart is confident. No wonder I can sing your praises!”