A Good Future
Have you ever heard the saying, “every saint has a past; every sinner has a future”?
Basically, it means that anyone who is in a pit right now, can have a bright future if they turn their lives to Jesus. And anyone who is walking with the Lord, at one point or another, had something unsavory in their past.
This saying reminds me of the power of God to save and change lives.
In my time as an evangelist, I’ve seen hundreds of thousands of lives changed by the power of Jesus Christ. One man I remember in particular was deep in gang activity and drugs when he first came to a festival of ours in Connecticut.
At the festival, the Lord spoke to him, and he received Jesus’ free gift of salvation in his heart that very first night. This man repented, and left his old life to start a new life in Christ. Today, his story has helped others who are in a similar situation, by offering them a future filled with hope.
1 Peter 3:11 tells us, “Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it”. So wherever you are today, I encourage you to seek God and his will. As a friend once told me, “God’s light shines brightest in a dark spot”.
This week, share with someone the encouraging news of Jesus’ hope. Tell them of God’s love, and of the peace-filled future God wants for them.
“Anyone who is in a pit right now can have a bright future if they turn their lives to Jesus.”
1 Peter 3:11
“They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it.”