Does Jesus offend you?
Does Jesus offend you?
Jesus said these words in John 6. “Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you will have no life in you.”
Jesus is asking so much here. He’s saying that He is the only ONE to give life. And He wants everything.
Does this offend you?
That’s exactly what Jesus asked his friends in John 6. Many heard this teaching and said: “This is hard teaching.”
Jesus gave all, and He asks all of you. Jesus died, and He calls us die to ourselves. Jesus humbled Himself and He asks us to humble ourselves.
Does this offend you?
Oh, my friend, I pray that you will see the absolute beauty of a surrendered life with Jesus. He is worth it all!
“Oh, my friend, I pray that you will see the absolute beauty of a surrendered life with Jesus. He is worth it all!”
John 6:53
“I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you cannot have eternal life within you.”