Death Comes to Everyone


It’s guaranteed 100% that we will all die. Why would I even say that? Because it’s true!

Every one of us on this earth will face death, yet we have such different approaches to death. We either live as if it will never happen – or we are weighed down by it. 

The Bible says that death is our “final enemy” and that it’s a “sting.” It hurts, burns, causes pain. But the Bible also tells us that death does not have the last word.

Jesus revealed His power over death when He died on the cross and three days later actually came back to life. What a mystery; what victory and power!

Do you believe this? Are you weighed down by death, overcome with grief, fearful? Give your life over to Jesus – the most powerful ONE. This truth is for you. Today.

Always remember, there is hope with God.

“Are you weighed down by death, overcome with grief, fearful? Give your life over to Jesus – the most powerful ONE.”

1 Corinthians 15:54b

“Death is swallowed up in victory.”