How We Can Do All Things
Many people love to claim Philippians 4:13, which says: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Out of context, what Paul says in this verse can and has been misused countless times.
Business leaders and motivational speakers love to quote it. It’s been called one of the Bible’s most inspirational verses. And it is.
Then again, as with any verse, we need to keep our eyes fixed on what’s always true: God and His Word. In His sovereignty, God has unlimited power.
Our sun is one of hundreds of billions of stars in one of hundreds of billions of galaxies placed across nearly 100 billion light years of space.
Yet God is the one who placed them all and knows each star’s name. That God, the LORD, the Creator of the heavens and earth, possesses infinite power. He can do everything.
In turn, the Lord wants us to do much. Yet without Him, we can do nothing. To do anything of eternal worth, therefore, He needs to fill every fiber of our being. God Himself empowers us to do His will each day. So, there’s no excuse.
After all, the apostle Paul was in prison when he wrote Philippians 4:13. Let Christ strengthen you today as you reach your world for Him.
“God Himself empowers us to do His will each day. So, there’s no excuse.”
Philippians 4:13
“I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”