Abundant Life


When I was young, I thought that if I ever really gave my life to following Jesus, I would miss out on all the fun. I was so focused on all the things I would miss out on that I never really gave that much thought to what I would actually gain!

Jesus said, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

Jesus doesn’t take the fun out of life. He’s not out to control us! His ways are the most peaceful, fulfilling, and joyful ways to live.

When I finally chose to follow Jesus and gave up all of that stuff in my life, I realized it’s just, like…garbage—I didn’t want it anymore! 

And once I realized how much God loved me, even in my worst moments, I gave up all those vices willingly. In their place was indescribable peace, joy, wholeness, and a sense of purpose that has never left me.

This is the abundant life, and Jesus is offering it to you. Will you receive it?

“His ways are the most peaceful, fulfilling, and joyful ways to live.”

John 10:10

“The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.”