You Are Invited

You Are Invited
Wendy Palau

What’s the point of the Bible?

The Bible does contain instruction, but it’s really not a manual of direction for how to be holy. It’s not a textbook for becoming a spiritual expert.

At its heart, the Bible is an invitation to understand who God is, His character and what He cares about.

Within its pages, you can get to know Jesus—God made human. And as you get to know Him, He can become your trusted friend. You can fall in love with Him and His ways. And if you open your heart to Him, you will begin to understand how much He loves you.

Start reading about Jesus in the book of John today. See what happens when you encounter the One who loves you.

Always remember, there is hope with God.

“See what happens when you encounter the One who loves you.”

John 1:1-3

“In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him.”