Why evangelism?
Why do we share the Gospel? To make that more personal – why have I spent the last twenty years or so as an evangelist? What motivation do we have to be ambassadors for Christ?
In my own case, I was greatly motivated by the gratitude I felt when God saved me and forgave all my sins.
I was 27 years old at that time and had been living very far from God. But God brought me into His family, and my first impulse was to tell everyone what an amazing thing He had done.
So I think thankfulness is one great motivator. We want others to know what we have experienced by receiving Jesus Christ as our Savior. The rich, full life we now have, the joy and peace knowing our sins are forgiven.
We can’t keep all that to ourselves. We want to share it. People need to hear. They want to hear it. So, tell them!
“We want to share it. People need to hear. They want to hear it. So, tell them!”
2 Corinthians 5:20
“So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, ‘Come back to God!’ ”