When Death Is Defeated
We don't often think about death until we're face to face with it…someone you love dies, or you get sick and you realize that you're mortal.
We won't live forever. Death seems to always have the last word, and death silences all our protests. All except one.
The Creator of life is stronger than death. He has authority over death, which is exactly why Jesus came. Because of His birth (which we're celebrating this Christmas), His death, and His resurrection—which proved His power over death—we can have eternal life.
This can sometimes be hard to wrap our minds around, but this is true, and it should fill you with hope. The last enemy of our souls is death, and Jesus has destroyed it.
Do you believe this?
“The last enemy of our souls is death, and Jesus has destroyed it.”
1 Corinthians 15:26
“And the last enemy to be destroyed is death.”