What will last?
We're doing some work on our house right now, and the builder was at our home yesterday. And we were talking about his life and how he came to know Jesus.
Then he said to me, This house…it will not last. Only one thing will last—we will live for eternity in heaven with God.
As I walked away from this conversation, I was reminded of the power of this truth.
We are eternal souls. We will live forever, and God offers us the gift of living for eternity with Him. It's a free gift to us, but it isn't free to Him. God gave His Son, Jesus, as a sacrifice so that we can be with Him.
Jesus says in John 10, I give you eternal life. You will never die, and no one can snatch you out of my hand.
Do you have eternal life? You can know for sure that you do.
“We are eternal souls. We will live forever, and God offers us the gift of living for eternity with Him.”
John 10:28
“I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from me.”