What is missing from your life?
If I told you I was perfect—that there was nothing lacking and nothing broken in me—I’d be lying.
I’m so far from perfect—we all are! We all fall short and wish we could change things about ourselves. Don’t you?
But God is the God of Shalom. And that means that within Himself, there is peace, completeness, wholeness, and a perfect harmony—with nothing missing and nothing broken.
Although, in ourselves, we cannot possess this kind of complete peace on this side of Heaven, when we have the Holy Spirit of God living in us, we get to taste it—as His Shalom soaks into our lives.
Troubles will not disappear overnight. Most wounds don’t instantly heal. But God’s presence changes us.
And I believe He wants to give you a deep peace that no circumstance can take away. Ask God today to fill your life with Shalom.
“Ask God today to fill your life with Shalom.”
Judges 6:24
“And Gideon built an altar to the Lord there and named it Yahweh-Shalom (which means “the Lord is peace”)…”