The Ways of God
You know, when you look around the world now and in the past, we often ask ourselves, “What is God doing in the world today? Why does He allow this or that to happen?
What are the ways of God? How does He overrule the decisions of government people – kings, princes, presidents, and people in authority, and wealthy people. How does God overrule?” Well, there is an answer to learn to understand God’s ways.
In Psalm 119, verse 15 the Bible says, “I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways.” Let me read it again. “I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways.”
When you get on your knees, which is the way I most recommend meditation; get on your knees, open your Bible by your bed perhaps, with a notebook next to you, and begin to think about what you read in the holy word of God – the Bible.
And as God speaks to you directly and personally, and as God speaks to your heart and God speaks to your mind, you begin by the Holy Spirit who lives in you as a believer, to put it all together.
You don’t understand every angle. You can’t explain everything God is doing, but you have peace because God is in charge. That’s the benefit of meditation.
“You can’t explain everything God is doing, but you have peace because God is in charge. That’s the benefit of meditation.”
Psalm 119:15
“I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways.”