The Magi Said What?


Why did the Magi risk everything? In many ways, these wise men had become holy fools—desperate, compelled, and finally obsessed.

In the end, they traveled perhaps a thousand miles or more, probably in a small camel train, only to stop in Jerusalem to ask, “Where is the newborn king of the Jews?” [Matthew 2:2]. Matthew goes on to say, “King Herod was deeply disturbed when he heard this, as was everyone in Jerusalem.”

The Magi may have come from a prestigious city of the ancient Medes, Persians, or Chaldeans. Braving extreme heat, sandstorms, and the constant threat of thieves, these Magi traveled for months through foreign lands to the far west—to within a day of the great Mediterranean Sea.

Why their intense dedication to find Jesus Christ? Somehow, they knew that God in heaven had sent His Son to earth.

Nothing more spectacular had ever happened in human history. They felt driven to welcome this child and to present Him with exquisite gifts of great wealth.

Why such persistence and risk? What in the world did they hope to gain? Like the Magi, you and I have a terrible, haunting choice to make.

Are we willing to risk all? If so, risk all for what? To follow and serve Jesus Christ?

“Nothing more spectacular had ever happened in human history.”



Matthew 2:2

“Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw his star as it rose, and we have come to worship him.”