The Religious Leaders Said What?


Was the first Christmas a surprise? The religious leaders at that time scoffed. Yet the Scriptures clearly predicted what was happening--and they knew it.

Their answer to King Herod proved that. Isaiah alone had made two dozen prophecies fulfilled seven centuries later by Jesus, the promised Christ. So when you read Isaiah, watch out for these prophecies.

They include Jesus being born of a virgin [7:14], being called Immanuel [7:14], and being anointed with the Spirit [11:2, 61:1].

They include the start of his public ministry [61:1-2] in Galilee [9:1-2], in poverty [53:2], with meekness [42:2], tenderness, compassion [40:11, 42:3], and innocence [53:9]. All those things are specifically referenced.

They also include Jesus working miracles [35:5-6], being rejected [63:3], being a stumbling block [8:14], and being fiercely hated [49:7].

And they include Him suffering for others [53:4-6,12], His patience and silence amidst suffering [53:7], His appearance marred [52:14, 53:3], being spit on and scourged [50:6], being numbered with criminals [53:12], and praying for His murderers [53:12].

As well, they include Jesus’ death [53:12], being buried with the rich [53:9], His resurrection [26:19], and being the “chief cornerstone” [28:16].

Unlike the religious leaders of old, let’s actively affirm our belief in Jesus, the promised Christ. Let’s also tell others about Him this Christmastime.

 “Unlike the religious leaders of old, let’s actively affirm our belief in Jesus, the promised Christ.”



Isaiah 7:14

“Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.”