How to Fight Temptations of the Flesh


Dealing with the temptations of the flesh is one of the great battles for Christians, young and old. Especially young, but believe me, old too.

Saint Paul deals with it in Galatians chapter 5 when he says, "Those who belong to Christ have crucified their sinful nature with its passions and desires.”

Crucified. Crucified means that you are ruthless with the temptations of the flesh, that you don’t treat it lightly, that you don’t say "Well everybody is tempted in this direction,” or “I know someone who was famous who stumbled and fell with the temptations of the flesh.” That’s just an excuse.

What God tells us is there is a way to deal with the temptations of the flesh (which we all have from our youth till our old age) and it’s this, crucify the flesh with its passions and desires. The passions and desires are within us all and they pop up at unexpected moments.

Unexpected instances when you are in a church and you’re worshiping the Lord and suddenly – wow! - something comes up. What do you do?

You bring it to the cross of Christ and you say "Lord Jesus, this temptation could destroy me if I went along with it. But I thank you that I am crucified with Christ.

Christ lives in me. I’ve got His resurrection power, and I shall overcome by your power.”

“Crucified. Crucified means that you are ruthless with the temptations of the flesh, that you don’t treat it lightly…”



Galatians 5:24

“And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.”