Sharing the Wonderful Cross
A famous English preacher was called Charles Spurgeon. Many preachers listened to him and today they still read his messages. He went to heaven long ago.
He made this statement: "To preach Christ without His cross is to betray Him with a kiss." That is a strong, tremendous statement.
When you witness to your friends, when you talk to them about God, and eternal life and forgiveness, and the assurance of heaven when you die, the key to it all is the cross.
The cross where Jesus Christ, 2,000 years ago, volunteered to die so as to take away our guilt, and our sin, and our memories, and cleanse our conscience, make us children of God so that we can worship God, pray to God and know that God is our Father. All this comes from the cross of Jesus Christ.
We must preach the cross to people. Even when you are talking one on one over a cup of coffee, eventually you’ve got to come around to telling them about the cross and what it’s done in your life and how you understand what the Scriptures say.
Quote several Bible verses on it and then tell them, "When you meditate on the cross, give your heart to Christ and He will come into your life because that’s why He died on the cross.”
“When you witness to your friends, when you talk to them about God, and eternal life and forgiveness, and the assurance of heaven when you die, the key to it all is the cross.”
1 John 2:2
“He himself is the sacrifice that atones for our sins—and not only our sins but the sins of all the world.”