Struggling to Believe
Do you struggle to believe in God?
You’re not alone.
Even Jesus’ friends who walked with Him—they saw His miracles—they heard Him proclaim that He was the Son of God with His very own voice. And yet, even they struggled to believe Him.
In John 6, Jesus’ disciples were doubting His outrageous claims to be the bread of life that came from Heaven.
He said to them, What if you were to see me for who I really am—the Son of the Living God, in full glory?
Our ability to believe is sometimes so small…
But Jesus went on to say, “The Spirit alone gives life. Human effort accomplishes nothing.”
Pray today. Ask God’s Holy Spirit to help you believe that Jesus is Lord over all.
Always remember, there is hope with God.
“Pray today. Ask God’s Holy Spirit to help you believe that Jesus is Lord over all.”
John 6:61-62
“Jesus was aware that his disciples were complaining, so he said to them, ‘Does this offend you? Then what will you think if you see the Son of Man ascend to heaven again?’”