Spiritual Childhood
As a parent of four sons I remember how our parenting changed through the years. It was a gradual process of releasing control.
As our boys grew older, we would allow them more independence. The goal, of course, being that they would grow up to be fully independent responsible adults.
Interestingly, the Christian life works in the opposite way. We do not become more independent as we mature, but more dependent.
John Kleinig writes, “On our journey we become more and more dependent on Christ for everything in every situation. We do not then proceed from childhood to adulthood; we move forward into spiritual childhood as we grow in faith and become people of prayer. Hence Jesus tells us to become as little children to receive our full royal inheritance as sons and daughters of God… As we mature in faith we learn to borrow all that we need and all that we are from Christ.”
As you go out to reach your world, you don’t have to try to do it in your own power or out of your own strength. Depend on God. Have childlike faith, just as Jesus instructed.
As you receive everything from God, you will have that much more to share with others. And that’s exciting!
“We do not become more independent as we mature, but more dependent.”
Luke 18:17
“Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”