Our Ship


It is a common thing these days for people to say they like Jesus but not the church. That the church is full of hypocrites. And you know what? They’re not right.

The Church is made up of rescued, sinful people who will never perfectly live out their faith. But the Church is who we are. Church is not a thing. It is people like you and me. Redeemed people, rescued from our brokenness and sin.

Often throughout Church history, the Church has been likened to a ship. A ship God has given us to carry us on our journey through this life to the life to come. Similar to the story of Noah’s ark.

Think about the ark for a moment. It was probably crowded on there with all of those creatures. I’m sure the family got on each other’s nerves after a few days. The animals probably got stinky.

But the ark was how God saved Noah and his family for over six months. And the Church is how God is carrying Christians through this life. It’s His plan and design. We are being saved on a daily basis. It isn’t perfect but it is His perfect plan.

As we journey through this life with the Church, let us remember God’s Word to the Colossians, “Bear with each other and forgive one another… Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”

The Church won’t be perfect, but not full of hypocrites either. The Church is what God has made us We are better together. Don’t try to reach your world alone. Work with and through your local church.

“Church is not a thing. It is people like you and me. Redeemed people, rescued from our brokenness and sin.”



Colossians 3:13

“Bear with one another and forgive any complaint you may have against someone else. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”