Sharing Our Spiritual Lives


Why is it that younger folks listen to older folks like me?

Well, a few reasons. One is that they know we’ve been around the block a few times, and we know what life is like. The other thing is that it’s not our job to rebuke them. We leave that to their parents. We are free to be the grandparents and mentors who can share freely from our lives what God has done for us.

So, how can we do that? Easy. We can share our Christian lives with them. We should show them ways that we draw close to God, and include them as part of our spiritual practices.

One way to do that is to pray for them. We can ask our kids and grandkids how we can pray for them. Then when we do it, we should tell them. The Bible says that if we call on God, he will hear us (Psalm 145:18), and we can show what that is like in action.

We should especially pray for those who do not know Jesus among our family – and tell them too. Maybe they won’t understand what it means, but they will know that we care for them.

Another way we can share our spiritual lives with the younger people is by sharing Bible verses that mean something to us or apply to their lives.

We’ve had the chance to read the Bible a few more times than they have, so when they’re struggling with something, we should share God’s word with them.

Again, they may not understand it completely, but they will feel heard and loved, and they will slowly draw closer to Christ.

“We should especially pray for those who do not know Jesus among our family – and tell them too. Maybe they won’t understand what it means, but they will know that we care for them.”


Psalm 145:18

“The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.”