Rock of Salvation


In Psalm 95, God is called the rock of our salvation. What a beautiful image of something immovable, like a huge rock.

God isn’t described as a pebble or a stone. We can't pick Him up in our hands and move Him. We can't hold Him. He is unmovable. And guess what… He holds us. 

Christianity is so beautifully unique because of the solid nature of God. What we do doesn't change His attitude or posture towards us.

This is the salvation He offers. It is firm, it is secure. God is the rock of our salvation. 

Is He your rock? Or are you continuing to try to move Him according to your desires and wants? He is unmovable and that should be our deep comfort.

“Christianity is so beautifully unique because of the solid nature of God.”

Psalm 95:1

“Come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation.”