Proclaiming the Gospel
You want to tell your friends and people around you what the good news of God is all about. You have not proclaimed the good news Gospel unless you use words.
The good news Gospel is a message. It’s a divine message. It’s a message from God about His Son. In Romans chapter 1 - the first few verses (you should read it for yourself), it says, "The good news of God regarding His Son, declared Son of God with power, to call the nations to the obedience that comes from faith.”
In other words, the message of our Lord Jesus Christ is a message. And it’s a message from God about His Son; how He was crucified for the sins of the world. It’s a message about the resurrection and the power of God.
So, you know that you have proclaimed to your friends the good news of God, that there is forgiveness of sins, that there is peace with God, that there’s eternal life as a free gift of God, that heaven is before us and we shall be with the Lord forever and ever if you open your heart to Christ.
So how do you know you’ve proclaimed the good news? By using biblical words, biblical teachings and telling your friends how to open their hearts to Jesus Christ. Do it in your circle today.
“The good news Gospel is a message. It’s a divine message. It’s a message from God about His Son.”
Romans 1:16
“For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and also the Gentile.”