God has no Grandchildren


Committing one’s life to Jesus Christ is the most important decision anyone can ever make. Compared to eternal life, all other decisions aren’t that important when you think about it.

Interestingly, it’s children—not adults—who are most likely to make that most important of decisions. In fact, childlikeness is a prerequisite for conversion.

In Matthew 18:3, Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

Contrary to popular myth, growing up in a Christian home doesn’t automatically make someone a Christian. God has no grandchildren. Each of us must come to personal faith in Jesus Christ.

Sadly, I know that firsthand. I steadfastly avoided coming to faith while growing up in a loving Christian home. Thank God, I finally came home—to my own personal faith in Jesus Christ—in my late twenties. How great to know my parents never stopped believing for me, praying for me, and sharing the Good News with me all the way up until my conversion.

Do you have a child or grandchild like me? If so, trust that God has planted the seed of faith in their heart. And, pray daily for that seed to begin growing. God bless you for never losing hope.

 “God has no grandchildren. Each of us must come to personal faith in Jesus Christ.”



Matthew 18:3

“And he said: "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”