The Power of an Encouraging Word
Have you ever felt downright discouraged? Maybe you feel that you just don’t measure up to work standards, or you don’t meet the expectations of someone you love. We’ve all felt discouragement at one time or another!
But as believers, we have Good news!
God is a source of unending encouragement and unconditional love. And we’re called, as the family of Christ, to imitate this and encourage one another.
Romans 15:5 says, “May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other…”
Both Christians and non-Christians go through difficult seasons in life. Sometimes, struggles and discouragement are caused by our own decisions, and sometimes these struggles are caused by forces beyond our control. We live in a fallen world, so it is impossible to avoid challenges.
But, during these hard times, we can take comfort in knowing that God never changes. He promises to always love us and to always remain by our side.
As you think about reaching your world, consider whom you can bless with the encouragement found only in Jesus. Perhaps something as simple as a smile can lead into a conversation about the faithfulness of God.
“God is a source of unending encouragement and unconditional love. And we’re called, as the family of Christ, to imitate this and encourage one another.”
Romans 15:5
“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had”