The One Who Created Everything
This world is full of ideas and full of religions that promise to unlock meaning and life-changing truth.
But most of these are just ideas that float around, and they come and they go, and they change over time. And they’re subject to the trends and whims of humans who are constantly searching for purpose.
But there is One who stands over and above all of that. It is God. God is the one who made it all. He is the true Lord of everything.
His power, and authority, and goodness make Him worthy of our love and worthy of our worship.
This is how God spoke to Job in the Bible when Job started to question God’s choices. God said…
Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me, if you know so much.
If you’ve been on a quest for meaning—you’ve found it. Give your life to Jesus Christ, and find rest in the loving, powerful hands of God, the one who made it all.
“God is the one who made it all. He is the true Lord of everything.”
Job 38:4
“Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me, if you know so much.”