Decide to be made new...
When we decide to follow Jesus, we are made new. It’s not just a ticket to Heaven. It’s a way of being—you’re giving God, maker of the universe, access to change you.
You decided to start on this path—but you’re not alone.
JESUS is our God and our Guide. In the book of Colossians, the Bible tells us: In Jesus we see the perfect image of God—his original purpose for everything He created.
Can you believe it—God made us to be like HIM? On our own, we may be a mess—but God who made you has made a way for you to be transformed. Living and loving like Jesus is the most joyful, real life we can live.
In His time on earth, we see that Jesus made a lot of amazing decisions...
Jesus decided to obey the Father. He decided to spend time with the Father. He decided to serve others. He decided to welcome everyone, to be in community with other believers.
He decided to forgive, to heal, and make people whole. He decided to share the Father’s love.
He decided to suffer a brutal, shameful death to make a way for you to be made new. He gave it all.
Will you decide to let God make you more like Him today and everyday?
It’s not always easy. But stick with it. It’s worth it to be made new by God.
If you’re up for the challenge, take a few minutes to quiet your heart. Disconnect from your phone or computer and tell God:
I want to be like You. Search me. What do you see, God? What do you want to change in me? Is there a decision You want me to make today?
Friend, I am so happy for you! And so proud of the decision you’ve made to let Him make you new.
“Jesus decided to forgive, to heal, and make people whole. He decided to share the Father’s love.”
Colossians 1:15
Message Bible
“We look at this Son and see the God who cannot be seen. We look at this Son and see God’s original purpose in everything created.”