Intentional Listening
I heard about a Christian man who went into a coffee shop. He sat down at a table and put out a sign that said, “Free coffee if you listen to my story.” No one came up to listen to his tale.
The next day, he sat down at the same table and again put out a sign. This time it said, “Free coffee if you tell me your story.” Before he knew it, people were lining up to tell him their stories. Some even brought him coffee!
The lesson is clear. There are people who are desperate to have someone, anyone, listen to their story. Allowing them to share their concerns, and listening without criticism can make all the difference in their lives.
The Bible says we should be “quick to hear, and slow to speak.” We know that Jesus is the answer to whatever problems a person has, but we need to understand the questions first. Begin by being a good listener.
“We know that Jesus is the answer to whatever problems a person has, but we need to understand the questions first. Begin by being a good listener.”
James 1:19
“Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.”