He Stays With Us
Recently, my team and I had a very fruitful time of outreach in a nation in Africa. We saw thousands of people give their hearts and lives to Jesus Christ.
But that outcome was certainly not guaranteed For the past year or so we prepared for the events and were met with obstacle after obstacle.
If we had been facing all that alone, in our own strength, we would have failed early on. But God was with us, and we had great success. God will always work out His will and His purpose, no matter what obstacles are in our way.
I don’t know what goal or project is in front of you, but you are not on your own. God is with you! He will never leave you.
His power and presence are yours always, in whatever circumstance you find yourself. Isn’t that encouraging? Doesn’t that give you confidence?
We saw God do wonderful things in Africa; you can see Him do the same wherever you are serving Him.
“God will always work out His will and His purpose, no matter what obstacles are in our way.”
1 Corinthians 16:9
“There is a wide-open door for a great work here, although many oppose me.”