He Has Compassion on Us
In Psalm 103, the writer says that God will crown us with love and compassion.
We don't wear crowns much these days. But in ancient days, a crown was only worn by royalty with wealth and position.
God offers you an everlasting crown. He offers an eternal position as a loved person. You're valued and treasured. You're a child of the King of kings.
He also offers us a crown of compassion. That means He sees you not with pity, but with a sense of being drawn to you, to help you, to encourage you, heal you, strengthen you.
This type of love and commitment is hard for us to understand, but it is true. It's an everlasting crown.
Always remember, there is hope with God.
“You're valued and treasured. You're a child of the King of kings.”
Psalm 103:13
“The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him.”