God Within You
Jesus said that He and His Father would make their home with us.
This is shocking.
Why would the God of the universe come and make His home with us?
The word for home used here means dwelling place; to make His dwelling place in us?
What an amazing promise that Jesus made right before He went to the cross.
He promised His Spirit, His very self, to come and be with us and to make His home in us- to dwell with us.
Does Jesus, by His Spirit, dwell in you? You can have this. It is an offer for you.
Ask him just say, Jesus, I need you. I want you to dwell in me; I receive you now. Make your home with me.
“Does Jesus, by His Spirit, dwell in you? You can have this. It is an offer for you.”
John 14:23
“All who love me will do what I say. My Father will love them, and we will come and make our home with each of them.”