God is a Person
I have this great memory of my dad. He was being interviewed by a New York Times journalist. And it was during the days leading up to a big festival in Central Park. And after hours of conversation, this tough journalist, she started to get more personal in her questions.
She said, “Luis, you talk about God like he’s real, like he’s right there. How can you ever know?”
And he thought for a moment and he said to her, “Of course He’s real, I just spoke with Him this morning.”
It was such a simple answer, but somehow to her, it just really rang true. You could see it soften something in her heart, and it changed the whole tone of the dialogue.
Many don’t realize that God isn’t a “thing” you prove or disprove, but a person. So many are longing for that very relationship.
Who can you introduce to Jesus? There is no friend like Him. Let’s let the world know!
Remember, there is always hope with God.
“Who can you introduce to Jesus? There is no friend like Him. Let’s let the world know!”
Galatians 4:7
“Now you are no longer a slave but God’s own child. And since you are his child, God has made you his heir.”