Charles Spurgeon said,
"Evangelism is like one hungry beggar telling another hungry beggar where there is bread."
It’s so important to remember that no matter what we may do to serve the Lord, our righteousness doesn’t come from our own strength—it comes only from Jesus, our rescuer, our savior, the One who shed His blood as payment for our sin.
Humbling ourselves—being honest about our struggles—makes us even more effective at sharing the Gospel.
We can share the Good News—not from a place of thinking we’ve arrived…but from a place of equality, knowing we have the same need for Christ as every other person on the planet.
Jesus came for me and that fuels my desire to spread the goodness of God.
Always remember, there is hope with God.
“Jesus came for me and that fuels my desire to spread the goodness of God.”
2 Corinthians 12:9
“My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.”