God in Human Form
Who do you think Jesus is? Some people think He was just a great teacher or a prophet.
But Jesus shocked the religious people of His day when He made this bold statement, “Whoever obeys my teaching will never die.”
They wondered- how could Jesus say such a thing when even the father of the faith, Abraham, had died? Did Jesus think he was better than Abraham?
Jesus answered them, “I tell you the truth, before Abraham was even born, I Am!”
When Jesus says, “I am,” He’s claiming to be God. The one who was not created, but was The Creator who existed before time, and definitely before Abraham came along.
Jesus is God in human form—truth with skin on. And He came to the earth as a sacrifice for many so that people like you and me could share in the eternal life that He offers.
You can receive that gift of new life. Invite Jesus to be Lord of your life, today.
“Jesus is God in human form—truth with skin on.”
John 8:58
“Jesus answered, ‘I tell you the truth, before Abraham was even born, I am!’”