Do you feel weak?
Do you feel weak? I have a recommendation for you.
Read some of the Old Testament stories about Moses, Joseph, David, Gideon; amazing women like Ruth and Esther and Deborah.
These were people just like us. Each struggled in many, many different ways. Yet each had one thing in common: they believed God.
They believed that God would forgive them, because He said He would. That He would empower them to do what He had asked them to do. They believed that He would provide for them and strengthen them because He said He would.
And Hebrews 11 says that their “weakness was turned to strength.”
Do you feel weak? Believe Him. Read the accounts of these lives. God was faithful to them. He will be faithful to you.
“They believed that He would provide for them and strengthen them because He said He would.”
Hebrews 11:34
“Their weakness was turned to strength.”